About Operation Change

What is Operation Change?

Operation Change is a 12-week community-based behavioral change program targeted at 60 women ages 45+ years, who are underrepresented minorities (i.e., African Americans and Hispanic/Latinas) or living in rural communities. At minimum, they should experience two (2) comorbid conditions (i.e., obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and/or depression) and these conditions should be exacerbated by limited mobility due to joint pain.

Through early intervention, education, behavior change, and advocacy, Operation Change is focused on raising awareness of disparities on chronic disease management and quality of life.

Program Objectives

  1. Define the importance of movement as medicine for joint pain.
  2. Describe how movement helps with managing chronic disease.
  3. Demonstrate how to build capacity in your community.
  4. Application of Motivational Interviewing skills to motivate and sustain behavior change.

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

Operation Change:

  • Increases awareness of risk associated w/limited mobility due to joint pain
  • Increases physical activity in participants
  • Provides knowledge to support behavior change
  • Addresses the social determinants of health, which impact chronic conditions and quality of life